PLEASE NOTE: This information has not yet been updated from our last event, it is supplied for informational purposes only, so that you have some sense of the process. We will update ASAP.
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Be sure to read all rules thoroughly before applying to vend at BLERDFEST! Please click here to apply.
The person applying for the table will be the primary table holder and will be the only person allowed to check-in and receive badges.
A signed contract is required in order to vend at BLERDFEST! We will have these available at the check-in table. Individuals must be 18 years or older to sign, otherwise an adult will be needed to sign on their behalf. This adult must check in for the table, be present at the table throughout the duration of the event, and accepts responsibility for the minor’s failure to comply with BLERDFEST! policies and other applicable laws.
All vendors are responsible for being in compliance with any and all city and state laws and regulations, included but not limited to the paying of sales tax to the City of New Orleans.
The City of New Orleans requires that all vendors have a Special Event Occupational License from the Department of Revenue. This license application will be available on the day of the event if needed. To ensure compliance with all license and permit regulations, or to determine if you have a license on file already, please contact:
Michele Sigur
The City of New Orleans Bureau of Revenue, Special Events
(504) 658-1645
The cost is $35. Forms will be available to complete on-site on the day of the event. Please bring a copy of your state-issued license with you on the day of the event.
Smoking, including vaping or electronic cigarettes, or the use of alcohol or drugs while on the property are not tolerated. Violations will result in removal from BLERDFEST! without refund.
Photography and video recordings are permitted, as long as the person being recorded has given consent for you to do so. Please do not take pictures or video of Vendor’s artwork without their permission.